Skateboards are made to go fast, but they sometimes don’t go fast enough. In this post, if you are having trouble with your skateboard going slow, Slow skateboards are typically caused by overtightened axle nuts. We hope to help you fix your skateboard and get back to jamming on it.

What causes your skateboard to go slow?

Your skateboard may be going slow because it is too heavy. Your skateboard should weigh less than one-third of your body weight. If the skateboard is heavier than this, it will be hard to control, and you may even fall over. If you are riding a skateboard that is too heavy, you can make it lighter by removing the heavy parts. 

 How to fix your slow skateboard

Is Your skateboard slow? The most likely cause is that it is too heavily loaded. The wheels are often not the problem, but your weight. If you carry any excess weight on your skateboard, it will be difficult for the wheels to get the job done. If this is the case, you should try to reduce the weight on your board by either carrying less or changing your body positioning. 

Sometimes, the issue with your skateboard is that you are not using the right gear. If you are using the wrong gear, you might not be getting the most out of your board. Check your skateboard to ensure that you are using the right gear before you continue.

How to make your skateboard go faster

When skating, it is essential to balance on the board and use your body weight to push it forward, allowing you to go faster. If you are experiencing any problems with your skateboard, you should ensure the wheels are adequately tightened. 

It is essential to make sure that the bearings are in good condition. If the bearings are not in good condition, they will make your skateboard move more slowly. If the bearings are in good condition, the wheels will spin more efficiently, making your skateboard move faster. 

Make sure your bearings are not too loose or too tight. If you are experiencing any problems with your skateboard and you do not know what is causing the problems, you should consult a skateboard repair shop.

Skateboards are great for a variety of reasons. But when you are skating, you want to make sure that you are getting somewhere. So, if your skateboard seems to be taking forever to get up to speed, it could be because the deck is too small or the wheels are too big.

It is essential to know the difference between the two to decide what kind of skateboard you should buy.  I hope you enjoyed this blog. Please let us know in the comment sections if you have any questions.


How do I make my skateboard smoother?

There are a couple of ways you can make your skateboard smoother. 

  • First, you can use a rag to clean off any dirt or grime on your board. 
  • Second, you can use wax and polish to give your board a smoother and glossy finish. 
  • Lastly, you can use a compound to make your board smoother.

Should I loosen my skateboard wheels?

It depends on the surface that you are skating on. If you are skating on a hard surface, you should keep them tightened. However, if you are skating on a softer surface like a dirt road, you should loosen the wheels.

Are bigger skateboard wheels faster?

No. Bigger wheels make it easier to turn the skateboard because they help with balance. However, when you are ramping to get a higher turn, bigger wheels will give you more momentum to push off with.

Do bearings make you go faster?

Yes, the bearings make you go faster because they allow the wheels to travel in a smoother path.

Why do skaters put the wheels on backward?

The skateboard wheels are put on backward because it allows the user to “ride” on the backside of the board, which is much smoother than on the front. The wheels are put on the front of the board because it increases traction when turning, and it also makes it easier to push off of the ground, giving a faster ride.

Umair Ramzan

Umair Ramzan

Umair Ramzan is a writer who seamlessly navigates the worlds of automotive and skateboarding, combining technical expertise with a passion for these dynamic cultures.

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