Pivoting is a basic longboarding technique that allows you to change directions while riding. To pivot, place your front foot on the nose of the board and lean in the direction you want to go. Your back foot will naturally follow, allowing you to make tight turns and avoid obstacles.

Pivoting is a great way to make quick adjustments when riding at high speeds or in crowded areas. It can also perform tricks and maneuvers such as the 180s and 360s. To get started, practice pivoting in a wide-open area with plenty of space to maneuver. Once you have the hang of it, you can experiment with different speeds and angles to find what works best for you.

What to do after the pivot?

 If you’re a longboarder and want to pivot, either to start a new trick or to change direction, one of the most important things you can do is reverse your stance. It will help you maintain balance while in the air and allow you to land in a new position. But what’s the most important thing to do after the pivot? 

Well, if you’re going to land in the same position, you don’t need to do anything else. If you’re going to land in a different position, then you have a few options. You can land in a frontside 50, a backside 50, a frontside 180, a backside 180, or a backside 360.

Best board for learning the pivot technique.

The best board for learning the pivot technique is a Longboard. When learning the pivot technique, it is important to switch from a regular skateboard to a longboard easily. Longboards provide a greater range of motion and a smoother surface to pivot. Longboards can also provide a greater range of motion than skateboards, making it easier for beginners to learn.

Longboarding is a popular pastime that has been around for decades. It’s a relaxing and exhilarating hobby, and it’s a great way to get a good workout. It’s also relatively inexpensive to get started – all you need is a longboard, some wheels, and a way to carry them.

With a longboard, it’s easy to cruise around town, but the best part is the possibilities for adventure. If you’re looking for new ways to challenge yourself, try longboarding. Skateboarding is a popular hobby that has been around for decades. It’s a great way to exercise your body and your mind.

With a little practice, you’ll be able to pivot like a pro in no time! Thanks for reading, and happy longboarding!


How do you do a 180 on a longboard?

To do a 180 on a longboard, grab the front of the board with both hands. Push your right foot towards the back of the board and pull your left foot towards the front. It will make you go in the opposite direction.

What is the easiest trick to learn on a longboard?

If you’re new to longboarding, finding the tricks you want to learn can be frustrating. I had the same problem when I was learning to longboard, and I found that the easiest tricks to learn are the ones that are easier to do. For example, if you are a beginner and want to learn how to ollie, you could start with a heelflip, pop, and frontside 180. 

These are easier tricks to learn because they are simpler and don’t require much balance. I would recommend learning a heelflip, pop, and frontside 180 as your first tricks because they are easy to learn and are good for getting you used to the movement.

Can you kick turn on a longboard?

Yes, you can kick turn on a longboard.

How do you pop a drop through a longboard?

To pop a drop through a longboard, you must ensure that the board is at a steep angle (i.e., 60 degrees or higher) before you start riding. Then, it would be best to press your back foot against the board’s tail to give you more leverage while you push with your front foot to get the board to go up.

How do you do a longboard squat?

To do a longboard squat, start in a parallel upright stance and then bend your knees and lower yourself down towards the ground. Squat down and then press yourself back up.

Can you Ollie on a longboard?

Yes, you can ollie on a longboard.

Umair Ramzan

Umair Ramzan

Umair Ramzan is a writer who seamlessly navigates the worlds of automotive and skateboarding, combining technical expertise with a passion for these dynamic cultures.

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