Can you use any coolant for BMW? – Explained

When it comes to the maintenance of your BMW, using the correct coolant is crucial for the health and longevity of your vehicle. Using the wrong coolant, or mixing different types of coolant, can lead to serious problems and costly repairs. In this article, we’ll explore the specific coolant requirements for BMW vehicles and provide answers to common questions about coolant usage.

What is coolant and why is it important?

Coolant, also known as antifreeze, is a fluid used to regulate your engine’s temperature. It does this by transferring heat away from the engine and dissipating it into the air. Coolant also helps to prevent your engine from freezing in cold weather and overheating in hot weather.

It’s important to use the correct type of coolant in your BMW because using the wrong type can lead to problems such as:

  • Corrosion and damage to the engine and cooling system
  • Ineffective temperature regulation
  • The shortened lifespan of the vehicle

What type of coolant should I use in my BMW?

BMW recommends using a 50/50 mixture of high-quality, ethylene glycol-based coolant and distilled water in their vehicles. The specific type of coolant recommended for your BMW can be found in the owner’s manual or by contacting a BMW dealership.

It’s important to note that mixing different types of coolant or tap water can cause corrosion and other issues. It’s best to use only the coolant recommended by BMW and to mix it with distilled water to ensure the best performance and protection for your vehicle.

Can I mix different types of coolant in my BMW?

BMW does not recommend mixing different types of coolant in their vehicles. Mixing different types of coolant can lead to chemical reactions that can cause corrosion and other issues in the cooling system. It’s best to stick with the coolant recommended by BMW and to use a 50/50 mixture of that coolant and distilled water.


Using the correct coolant is crucial for the health and longevity of your BMW. Use the coolant recommended by BMW and mix it with distilled water to ensure your vehicle’s best performance and protection. Avoid mixing different types of coolant and stick to the recommended frequency for coolant changes to keep your BMW running smoothly.


Can I use tap water instead of distilled water when mixing coolant for my BMW?

No, it’s important to use distilled water when mixing coolant for your BMW. Tap water can contain minerals and other impurities that can cause corrosion and other issues in the cooling system.

Can I use generic or non-BMW branded coolant in my BMW?

While it’s possible to use generic or non-BMW branded coolant in your BMW, it’s not recommended. BMW recommends using a specific type of coolant in their vehicles to ensure the best performance and protection. Using a different type of coolant could lead to problems and costly repairs.

How often should I change the coolant in my BMW?

The frequency of coolant changes will depend on your BMW’s specific model and age. It’s a good idea to refer to the owner’s manual or contact a BMW dealership for specific recommendations. In general, it’s recommended to change the coolant every 2-3 years or every 50,000-100,000 miles.

Can I mix coolant with other additives?

It’s only recommended to mix the coolant with other additives if specifically recommended by the manufacturer. Using additives incompatible with the coolant can lead to problems such as reduced effectiveness or chemical reactions that can cause damage to the cooling system.

Can I mix coolant from different brands?

It’s generally not recommended to mix coolants from different brands. Different brands of coolant can have different chemical formulations, and mixing them can lead to chemical reactions that can cause corrosion and other issues in the cooling system. It’s best to stick with one brand of coolant and use it consistently.

Using a different ratio of coolant to water than the recommended 50/50 mixture can lead to problems such as ineffective temperature regulation or corrosion. It’s best to stick with the recommended mixture to ensure the best performance and protection for your BMW.

What should I do if I accidentally mix different types of coolant or use the wrong ratio of coolant to water?

Suppose you have accidentally mixed different types of coolant or used the wrong ratio of coolant to water. In that case, it’s important to have the cooling system flushed and refilled with the correct coolant as soon as possible. Refrain from driving the vehicle with the incorrect coolant mixture to avoid serious problems and costly repairs.

Can I add coolant to my BMW myself or do I need to take it to a mechanic?

In general, adding coolant to your BMW is a relatively simple task that can be performed at home. However, if you are unsure of the process or feel uncomfortable doing it yourself, it’s always best to take the vehicle to a mechanic or dealership to have it done. Improperly adding coolant or using the wrong type of coolant can lead to serious problems and costly repairs.

Umair Ramzan

Umair Ramzan

Umair Ramzan is a writer who seamlessly navigates the worlds of automotive and skateboarding, combining technical expertise with a passion for these dynamic cultures.

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