Can I Use Peak Coolant in my BMW? – Ultimate Guide

BMW is a well-known luxury car brand that requires regular maintenance to keep running smoothly. Coolant, also known as antifreeze, is one of the crucial fluids that keep the engine running. It is essential to use the right type of coolant to ensure the engine’s longevity. In this post, we will discuss whether you can use Peak Coolant in your BMW and its implications.


BMW recommends using a specific type of coolant known as Longlife coolant, a blue-colored liquid. Longlife coolant is designed to last up to five years or 150,000 miles. It is crucial to use Longlife coolant as it is designed to work with the materials used in the engine and cooling system of BMWs.

Peak coolant, on the other hand, is a green-colored liquid and is not recommended for use in BMWs. The reason is Peak Coolant is incompatible with the materials used in the engine and cooling system of BMWs. Using Peak Coolant can cause damage to the engine and cooling system and void the vehicle’s warranty.


In conclusion, using Peak Coolant in your BMW is not recommended. It is important to use the recommended Longlife coolant to ensure the longevity of the engine and cooling system. Using the wrong type of coolant can cause damage and void the vehicle’s warranty. Always refer to the owner’s manual for the recommended type of coolant for your specific BMW model.

Frequently Asked Questions

BMW recommends using Longlife coolant, which is a blue-colored liquid. It is designed to last up to five years or 150,000 miles and is compatible with the materials used in the engine and cooling system of BMWs.

Can I use Peak Coolant in my BMW?

No, it is not recommended to use Peak Coolant in your BMW. It is incompatible with the materials used in the engine and cooling system of BMWs. It can cause damage and void the warranty of the vehicle.

Can using the wrong type of coolant void the warranty of my BMW?

Yes, using the wrong type of coolant can void the warranty of your BMW. Always refer to the owner’s manual for the recommended type of coolant for your specific BMW model.

How often should I change the coolant in my BMW?

The frequency of changing the coolant in your BMW depends on the type of coolant used. Longlife coolant is designed to last up to five years or 150,000 miles. It is always recommended to refer to the owner’s manual for the recommended interval of changing the coolant for your specific BMW model.

Can I mix different types of coolant in my BMW?

No, mixing different types of coolant in your BMW is not recommended. Mixing coolants can cause chemical reactions that damage the engine and cooling system. Always use the recommended type of coolant for your specific BMW model.

Can I use tap water instead of distilled water when topping off the coolant in my BMW?

No, it is not recommended to use tap water when topping off the coolant in your BMW. Tap water contains minerals and impurities that can cause damage to the engine and cooling system. Always use distilled water when topping off the coolant.

Can I use extended-life coolant in my BMW?

Some extended-life coolants may be compatible with your BMW. Still, checking the owner’s manual or with a BMW dealership is important to ensure compatibility. Always use the recommended type of coolant for your specific BMW model.

How do I check the coolant level in my BMW?

To check the coolant level in your BMW, locate the coolant reservoir, usually found near the engine. The coolant level should be between the minimum and maximum levels marked on the reservoir. If the level is low, add coolant to bring it to the correct level. It is also important to check for leaks or coolant contamination signs.

Can I flush my BMW’s coolant system myself?

Flushing the coolant system is a complicated process that requires specialized equipment and knowledge. Taking your BMW to a professional mechanic or a BMW dealership is recommended to have the coolant system flushed.

Is it necessary to flush the coolant system in my BMW?

The frequency of flushing the coolant system in your BMW depends on the coolant used and the vehicle’s mileage. It is recommended to refer to the owner’s manual for the recommended interval of flushing the coolant system for your specific BMW model. In general, it is recommended to flush the coolant system every 2-4 years or every 30,000-50,000 miles.

Umair Ramzan

Umair Ramzan

Umair Ramzan is a writer who seamlessly navigates the worlds of automotive and skateboarding, combining technical expertise with a passion for these dynamic cultures.

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